Alberta Child Support: Your Ultimate Guide

West Legal in Calgary has the answers you have about Child Support in Calgary and Alberta

[FAQs] Alberta Child Support

Am I required to pay child support if I don’t have or want any contact with my child?

Yes, child support is the right of the child. It does not matter if you are not involved in the child’s life. The sole exception is for cases in which the child refuses contact with you, and even then, your child support obligations are not automatically terminated. Speak to a lawyer if you believe you may be entitled to terminate your child support obligations.

Am I still required to pay child support if my ex-partner does not want to accept child support?

Yes, child support is the right of the child. It does not matter if your ex-partner does not want to accept child support. If this is the case, speak to a lawyer about child support options to protect yourself and your child.

Can child support depart from the Federal Child Support Guidelines?

Yes, in certain circumstances child support can depart from the Federal Child Support Guidelines such as when a payor earns income in excess of $150,000.00 per year or in circumstances of undue hardship. Speak to a lawyer to determine if you qualify to depart from the Federal Child Support Guidelines.

Am I required to pay child support even if I am not the child’s biological parent?

It depends on the circumstances of your relationship with the child’s parent and your position in the child’s life. Speak to a lawyer to determine if you stand ‘in loco parentis’ or in the place of a parent and are required to pay child support.

Contact a Calgary Family Lawyer today or 403-723-0175 to get started.