Our Probate Fees are the following:
What is Probate, Anyways?
When someone passes away, in most cases, their Executor must obtain a Grant of Probate from the Alberta Surrogate Court. A Grant of Probate is a formal legal document issued by the Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench which approves the legitimacy and validity of the deceased’s last Will and confirms the Executor’s authority to administer the Estate. Once an Executor has obtained a Grant of Probate, they are able to access the deceased’s accounts, consolidate the Estate assets, and then distribute funds to the Estate beneficiaries.
An Informed Decision
Our goal at West Legal is to provide as much information to you at the beginning of any legal process so you can make an informed decision.
This focus on information sharing and transparency extends to our fee structure – there is value in knowing upfront what our legal services will cost, giving you peace of mind and the ability to plan ahead.
Legal fees charged by Calgary probate lawyers are generally calculated based on the value of the estate. The reason for this is that as estates increase in value, they become more complex. Larger estates will often require the probate lawyer to deal with corporate holdings, various investment assets, multiple financial institutions, testamentary trusts created by the estate, real estate holdings, and multiple estate beneficiaries. The complexity of the estate demands more work and greater expertise by the probate lawyer.
Get a Free Consultation
Let the experienced Calgary probate lawyers at West Legal help you navigate the complex probate processes. As always, we offer no-charge, no-obligation consultations to help you determine what your next step should be and the associated costs.